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Safety Commitment

To further maintain and improve the Company’s commitment to Safety and Loss Prevention, the Safety Department, top management and the construction group consider safety education/orientation, counselling and proper motivation as the guiding policy in the enforcement and implementation of its Safety & Loss Prevention Program in order that none of its procedures, practices or methods of work will expose any employee to unnecessary hazards.

In keeping with this policy, all members of the management and supervision of whatever grade are always reminded that safety must take equal importance with cost and construction and that they have a moral and legal responsibility for the Safety & Health of all employees under their control as laid down in Saudi Aramco Safety Manual, the Saudi Arabian Law and other applicable safety standards.

Safety Manual

– Foreword

This manual is intended to be used by company management and site supervisory personnel as a working procedure in the implementation and maintenance of our respective Construction Safety Program.

The program requirements are based on the potential safety hazards and operations losses to which the company had a foreseeable exposure on the date of publication of this manual. The manual will be revised as necessary to add requirements and procedures involving newly identified exposures.

Many safety issues, related matters involve situation-specific factor which are difficult to anticipate. Accordingly, this program is not the definitive statement, or the only statement, on company safety concerns or procedures. This program is a starting point and a good-faith attempt to help create a safe working environment.

In every case, governmental rules, regulations or restrictions currently in effect or which may be published, will be the minimum requirements which this program will meet or exceed.

We, welcome and encourage your ongoing suggestions for improvement of this manual. We would also appreciate your if you share with us any ideas or perspective that have work-well on your individuality or in your company.

– Introduction

The construction industry is a hazardous occupation.  The work requires alert minds, healthy bodies and the ability to carry on operations under difficult circumstances.  Each operation presents its own peculiar problems, and NO-TWO-JOBS are alike; hence, it is not possible to formulate a set of rules which will cover all the hazards that may be encountered in construction work.  Because conditions change constantly on construction sites, these conditions must be monitored constantly.

Safety to the workers as-will-as to the others, engaged on the same operation, is not only dependent upon total commitment from management, and the judgement of the superintendent or foreman-in-charge, but also on the individual workers/themselves.

As a guide to workers in the safe conduct of their work, this program has been prepared from the experience gained over the years of civil & construction work. Its instructions and rules must be obeyed for the good of all workers.  Proper, safety devices and precautions must be used.  Setting the tone for safety, quality and schedule.

The safest way to do a job must always be found before going ahead.  In the event no rule is found to cover the situation in question, contact the Safety Manager or a knowledgeable person on the specific instructions for safety purpose(s).  Always use good common sense.

– Safety manual contents
  1. Company Safety Policy and Assignment of Responsibilities

(Millennium Federal Contracting Safety & Accident Prevention Policy)

  1. Assignment of Responsibility and Accountability for Safety
    1. Statement of Policy – Subcontractor(s)
      1. Subcontractor(s) Responsibilities
      1. Post-project review of subcontractor safety performance and results
      1. Subcontractor(s) Weekly Safety Summary
      1. Subcontractor(s) Incident Summary at the completion of the project
    1. Right to Refuse Unsafe Work Policy
    1. Working Alone Policy
  2. Hazard Assessment.
  3. A. Safe Work Practices:

Safe Work Practices Annual Review:

  • Excavating, Ditching and Shoring Safety
    • Equipment Safety
    • Defective Tools
    • Use of Explosive/Powder Actuated Fastening Tools
    • Use of Portable Grinders
    • Grinding
    • Use of Portable Ladders
    • Use of Steps Ladders
    • Use of Wood Scaffolds/Temporary work Platforms

3.10Use Metal Scaffolds/Temporary work Platforms

3.11Use of Hand Power Tools

3.12 Use of Hand-held Circular Saws

3.13Use of Chain Saws

3.14Use of Air Compressors

3.15Proper Lifting Practices-Hoisting


3.17Attaching Cable Clips and Clamping Wire Ropes

3.18Use of Propane

3.19Use of Tigers Torches

3.20Welding, Cutting and Burning

3.21Use of Cleaning Solvents and Flammables

3.22Fire Safety Guidelines

3.23Fire and Use of Fire Extinguishers

3.24Steel Erection Requirements

3.25Safety Nets and/or100%Tie-Off Requirements

3.26Roof and Edge of Roof Protection

3.27Hot Roof Operations

3.28Siding Safety Requirements

3.29Roofing Works Safety Instructions

3.30Erecting Precast/Prestressed Concrete Safely

3.31Placing Concrete

3.32Flagger Safety

3.33Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

3.34100%Tie Off in Scissor Lifts

3.35Hazardous Energy

3.36Working near Powerline

3.37Confined Space

3.38Working in Cold Weather

3.39Working in the Heat

3.40Fatigue and Safety at the Workplace

3.41Fall Protection

B. Job Procedures:

Job Procedures Annual Review

-Changing a flat tire on ¾ ton truck

-Starting Equipment (Cold Start)

-Setting up Oxygen/Acetylene Cutting Torch Equipment

-Shutting Down Oxygen/Acetylene Cutting Torch Equipment

-Use of Explosive/Powder Actuated Fastening Tools

-Use of Fire Extinguisher (Dry Chemical

-Han Grinding Steel

-Starting a Chain Saw

-Defective Tools

-How to Lift

-Working Alone

       4.   Rules, General Construction Safety Rules:

4.1 Enforcement Policy

4.2 First Warning Letter

  • General Safety Rules & regulations

5.  Personal Protective Equipment:

5.1 Policy for Personal protective Equipment

5.2 Foot Protection

5.3 Head Protection

5.4 Safety Belts Lanyards and Life-Lines

5.5 Limb and Body Protection

5.6 Eye and Face Protection

5.7 Hearing Protection

5.8 Information Sheet for Respiratory Protective Equipment

      6.  Maintenance Program:

Maintenance Program Policy

            Maintenance Service and Inspection Record Equipment Maintenance & Repair

            Record Personal Protective Equipment Maintenance & Repair Records.

  7.   Training and Safety Meetings:

            7.1 Safety Training Policy

            7.2 New Employee Orientation

            7.3 Tool Box Meeting

            7.4 Safety Meeting Topics

            7.5 Safety Policy Notice

  8.   Inspections:

            8.1 Inspection Policy

            8.2 Work Site Safety Inspection

   9.   Investigations:

            9.1 Investigation Policy

            9.2 Investigations

            9.3 Incident Investigations Procedures

            9.4 Critical Injury/Serious Accident Definition

            9.5 Incident Investigation Report

            9.6 Vehicle Accident Investigation Report

 10.  Emergency Preparedness

            10.1 Emergency Response Plan

            10.2 Emergency Phone Numbers

            10.3 OH&S Act, First Aid Regulations, 299/81

   11. Records and Statistics:

            11.1 Monthly Summary – Treatment Record

            11.2 Monthly Safety Summary

            11.3 Monthly Injury Summary

            11.4 Year End Injury Summary


Millennium Federal Contracting Safety and Accident Prevention Policy

The management of Millennium Federal Contracting is committed to a strong construction safety program that protects its staff, its property, clients, subcontractors and suppliers, and the public from accidents.  The management of Millennium Federal Contracting is committed to the development of the program to ensure security, protection and well-being of personnel and property at our office and jobsite.

Employees at every level, including management, are responsible and accountable for the company’s overall safety initiatives.  Complete and active participation by everyone, every day, in every job is necessary for the safety excellence the company expects.  Management support coordination of safety among all workers on the jobsite.

Management supports participation in the program by all employees and provides proper equipment, training and procedures.  Employees are responsible for following all procedures, working safely, and whenever possible, improving safety measures.

Management is committed to active leadership and support the development of a program to prepare all personnel to care for victims in the event of an accident or sudden illness until professional help is available.

Our goal is to create and maintain an environment of Safety Excellence.  I trust that all of you will join us in a personal commitment to make safety a way of life.  The safety information in this Policy does not take precedence over applicable Government legislation with; which all employees should be familiar.

1.1Asignment of Responsibility and Accountability for Safety:

A primary goal of Millennium Federal Contracting is to conduct all operations as safely and efficiently as possible.  To meet this goal, we are assigning the responsibility, authority, and accountability for safety to the management and other personnel within their areas of operations.  Everyone associated with our projects has the responsibility of performing their work in a safe and efficient manner and to report immediately unsafe conditions and acts to their supervisor for corrective action.

Chief Executive Officer:

  1. Assumes the responsibility for the safety and health program and sees to it that the program remains successful;
  2. Provides active support and participations;
  3. Appoint a qualified Safety officer/Manager;
  4. Maintains safe working conditions, vehicles, equipment and operations. Authorized all necessary expenditures for safety, based on safety laws, ordinances or recommendations of the safety committees, loss control personnel or employee suggestions;
  5. Regularly attend safety meetings to show interest, review the performance and encourage the effectiveness of the safety policy;
  6. Personally-support the programs with a periodic safety letter to employees, safety award presentations, special events authorization and compliance with all rules.

Safety Manager:

  1. The Safety Manager must be thoroughly familiar with Commission Federal Contracting Est., Safety Program and shall monitor the management responsibilities in safety implementation;
  2. The Safety Manager must be familiar with the OH&s Regulations and use as a reference;
  3. Where imminently dangerous conditions warrant, the Safety Manager, Project Manager, and Superintendent will have the authority to shutdowns the project or shut down a specific unsafe activity on the project;
  4. Review all accidents with Superintendent, Project Manager, and employees to insure that the proper incident investigation procedures and corrective actions are taken;
  5. Monitor job sites and functional areas along with Superintendent, Project Manager, and any other Commission Federal Contracting Est., employee who visits our job site, to ensure the adherence to the provision of Commission Federal Contracting Est., Safety Program for all sections of our Company.
  6. Communicate with Senior Management regarding the Project Managers and Superintendent performance on the projects with respect to safety;
  7. Direct the distribution of safety regulations and safety materials;
  8. Supervise, support, and direct the Safety Superintendent to ensure his responsibilities are being carried out properly and thoroughly;
  9. Act in a safety resource advisory capacity for the organization and generate ongoing improvements to Commission Federal Contracting Est., Safety Program. This shall include publishing periodic safety letters;
  10. Report on a monthly basis to the Chief Executive Officer regarding safety issues, topic, ideas, etc.

  Project Manager:

  1. To provide information, instructions, and assistance to all supervisory staff in order to protect the health and safety of all our employees;
  2. To understand and enforce our construction safety program as well as occupational health and safety legislation;
  3. To provide all supervisory staff with an understanding of accident prevention program as well as relevant occupational health and safety legislation;
  4. To provide all supervisory staff with proper, well maintained tools and equipment, plus any other special personal protective devices which may be required;
  5. To provide on-going safety education programs and approved first aid training courses as required;
  6. To monitor departments and projects; and to hold them accountable for their individual safety performance.


  1. To know and apply our construction safety program and relevant occupational health and safety legislation;
  2. To ensure that all employees are educated to work in a safe manner and that they use all protective devices and procedures required by this firm and by legislation to protect their health and safety;
  3. To advise all employees at orientation they have the right to refuse any unsafe work (see 1.3 unsafe work policy) and of any potential or actual dangers and how to isolate, prevent, or remove them;
  4. To arrange for medical treatment as required, in case of injury or illness including transportation to a doctor as necessary;
  5. To report all accidents immediately, to investigate all accidents fully, and to advise management on how to prevent similar accidents in the future;
  6. To carry our regular inspections of the work place to ensure a safe and healthy environment;
  7. Maintain good housekeeping onsite and in field offices.


  1. To read, understand, and comply with this firm’s safety policy, safe work practices, procedures and rules;
  2. To wear the safety equipment and personal protective devices and clothing required by Commission Federal Contracting Est., and Occupational Health and Safety;
  3. To notify his/her supervisor of any unsafe conditions or acts that may be of danger to other workers of himself/herself;
  4. To report all accidents, injuries and incidents to his/her supervisor as soon as possible;
  5. To take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of other workers and himself/herself;
  6. Maintain good health and advise his/her supervisor is any imitating health problems.


The performance of each Subcontractor is equally as important as that of Millennium Federal Contracting Each Subcontractor is responsible to Millenium Federal Contracting for the safe and healthful performance of all its work.

Millennium Federal Contracting has overall responsibility for all field construction safety and health matters on any Projects we involved.  Millenium Federal Contracting shall hold each Subcontractor(s) management, supervisors, and employees as well as subcontractors responsible for safety and health matters within the scope of their assigned or contracted work.

A copy of the Millennium Federal Contracting Safety Handbook shall be given to each worker at a job orientation session.  Attendance at Millennium Federal Contracting orientation session is mandatory for all workers and is a prerequisite to working on a  Millennium Federal Contracting Project.

Individual employers may wish to distribute information on safety guidelines and procedures in addition to this manual. In all cases, this manual is to be considered as a minimum requirement.

Each employer has the responsibility to provide a safe working environment for its employees, to provide clear instructions to employees about the tasks which they are to perform and to ensure that workers are trained or sufficiently skilled to safely do the work which they are instructed to perform.

Each employee has the responsibility to protect his/her own person and co-workers by performing work in a safe manner, to utilize all safety equipment which is specified to be required for the performance of the work and to report all unsafe working conditions or practices which become apparent.

Periodic safety audits will be made by Millennium Federal Contracting to determine it safe work procedures are being followed, however; the safety auditors are not directly responsible for workers safety.  The responsibility for safety belongs to the individual worker and his/her employer.

Each employer has the responsibility of maintaining good housekeeping within the scope of their assigned or contracted work.

The Millennium Federal Contracting Supervisor or the safety designate shall ensure that the Subcontractor is taking very action possible to prevent accidents, and if complying with the laws, rules, and regulations of the Millenium Federal Contracting Safe work & Procedures, and any governing legislation.  This includes any Safe work Procedures that has been established specifically for this Project.

1.2.1Subcontractors Responsibilities:

  • Accept and implement Millennium Federal Contracting overall Health and Safety Program;
  • Read, understand and comply with the company safety policies, practices, procedures, and occupational health and safety legislation;
  • Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing for the task;
  • Follow workplace medical and emergency preparedness procedures;
  • Develop safe work procedures for their expertise level and have them reviewed and approved prior to work commencing;
  • Complete and submit inspection reports and incident/near misreports, reports must have a follow up date provided; Report any injury;
  • Daily FLHA must be done and a copy given to the Site Superintendent;
  • Hold or participate in toolbox safety meeting with their personnel at least once a week.  Documented minutes and attendance at these meetings shall be forwarded to the Site Superintendent for review and action;
  • Make suggestions for improvement;
  • Take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of themselves, and other workers in the area and the general public.

1.2.2Post-Project review of Subcontractor safety performance and results:

On conclusion of a project, Millennium Federal Contracting will make a timely review of each subcontractor(s) safety performance, incident and injury experiences, and other factor that will be helpful in evaluating the subcontractor(s) suitability for securing future contracts with Millennium Federal Contracting;

In the event that, the subcontractor exits or was been terminated from the project that remains in progress, a similar timely review will perform.  Post-Project evaluations will be performed by Millennium Federal Contracting Safety Manager in coordination with Project manager and the Site Superintendent who with the subcontractor during the specific project under review.

1.2.3Subcontractors Weekly Safety Summary:

Company Name: _____________________ Project Name: _________________________

Date Submitted:__________________________ Wek Ending: _______________________

# of Incidents: Lost Time        Medical Aid                 First Aid           Near Miss

                        _________      ____________            __________    _____________

# of Workers Currently on Modified Duties: _______________________________

# of Disciplinary Actions Taken                      Internal                        Subs

                        Warnings                     ________________    ________________

                        Suspensions                ________________    ________________

# of Foremen on the Project: _________________  

List of all “Sub” Subcontractors (attach “Sub” Sub’s Safety Summary(ies) and submit as a package).___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




          The purpose of this policy is to establish procedural guidelines as pee the Occupational Health and Safety Act for a work refusal Millennnium Federal Contracting is committed to the protection of its employee(s), the environment and its physical assets.  Millennium Federal Contracting will continue to maintain a safe work environment in order to prevent occupational injuries.

          All employee(s) are equally responsible for complying with the requirements of the Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Act and its Regulations.  The Superintendent will advise all workers of their right to refuse unsafe work at orientation prior to starting work at the site.  It is the policy of Millennium Federal Contracting to resolve health and safety concerns before a work refusal occurs and provide a uniform reporting procedure.


 Health and Safety Complaint:

            In the event that a worker raises a health and safety concern or complaint to their Superintendent/Foreman, they shall:

  1. Investigate in the presence of the worker and establish with the worker whether a health & safety issue exists and if it is a complaint or work refusal.
  2. If determined to be safety complaint and the task is unsafe the Superintendent/Foreman shall undertake immediate corrective action.

Health and Safety Work Refusal:

             Workers have the right to refuse work which they have reason to believe is unsafe.  As per the Occupational Health and Safety Act A worker may refuse to work or to do particular work where he/she or another worker may endanger;

  • Equipment, machine, device or things;
  • Physical condition of the workplace;
  • Equipment, machine, device or thing that is to be used or the physical condition of the workplace is in contravention of the Act or Regulations and may endanger himself/herself or another worker.


            Millennium Federal Contracting employee(s) subcontractor(s) must assess a work site on a daily basis and identify existing and potential hazards before work begins at the work site must ensure that the hazard assessment is repeated and reasonably practicable intervals to prevent the development of unsafe and unhealthy working conditions, or when a new work process is introduced and operations changes.

3.1Excavating, Ditching and Shoring Safety:

3.1.1 No worker shall enter a trench which is more than 1.5 meters deep unless the trench is properly shored, caged or back sloped;

3.1.2 Barricades, warning of the danger, shall be installed around the excavation as long as the hole is open.  These shall be designed in such a manner that the personnel cannot fall into a hole.  Warning lights shall be installed at those excavations that are left open at night outside the confines of a secure site;

3.1.3 Prior to anyone entering an excavation where gas seepage may be a problem, the air quality shall be checked and confirmed as adequate for breathing in the excavation, and that combustible and poisonous gasses are not present

3.1.4 Any person entering the excavation where toxic gasses are present shall use a SCBA and safety harness and belt with a safety line attached if appropriate;

3.1.5 A designated safety person, properly equipped shall be on site whenever anyone is in the excavation;

3.1.6 A safety plan shall exist which includes allocations of men and equipment to the effect, a rescue should it be required;

3.1.7 Ladders extending one meter above the excavation and situated not more than 10 meters apart shall be in place.  Ramps may be used instead of ladders.  These shall be cut in the walls at similar strategic intervals to facilitate entry and exit;

3.1.8 Excavation equipment shall be positioned such that it does not endanger the integrity of the excavation or any surrounding equipment;

3.19 At no time shall be backhoe digging envelope extend beneath the machine.

3.2 Equipment Safety:

3.2.1 Workers shall not start any mechanical equipment unless they thoroughly familiar with its operation and they have been authorized to do so;

3.2.2 Machinery guards provided for protection against revolving or reciprocating parts must be in place before the engineering or equipment is started;

3.2.3 Operators shall inspect the unit at the start of the shift to ensure operating reliability and proper functioning of all safety alarms and features;

3.2.4 The operator shall not operate the unit if in his opinion it is unsafe to do so.  Units with improperly working safety features shall be taken out of service until repaired;

3.2.5 All workers concerned with directing the operation of the unit shall use a clearly defined method of signaling to the operator;

3.2.6 Signalmen or safety guards shall be used for all tight spaces and backing up maneuvers.  (w/exception of backhoes, front end loaders, and bulldozers where backing up may be part of the machine operations).  In such instances, warning signs and or barricades may be used to keep the work area free of intruders;

3.2.7 Employee(s) shall not ride on any equipment not provided with the proper seat or platform for the purpose;

3.2.8 Equipment power units shall be shut down during all refueling and servicing operations;

3.2.9 When maintenance procedures are to be carried out, equipment shall be suitably choked or rendered immobile during the maintenance work.  All pinch points shall be blocked or locked open;

3.210 Each operator shall promptly notify a supervisor of any defects in the equipment.  Upon changing of shift, the next operator shall be advised of such defects which have not been repaired.

3.3 Defective Tools:

Defective tools can cause serious painful injuries.  If a tool is defective in some way, DON`T USE IT!

Notify foreman immediately.

Be aware of the problems like:

  • Chisels and wedges with mushroomed heads;
  • Split or cracked handles;
  • Chipped or broken drill bits;
  • Wrenches with worn out jaws;
  • Tools which are not complete, such as files without handles;

To ensure safe use of hand tools, remember:

  1. Never use a defective tool;
  2. Double all tools prior to use;
  3. Ensure defective tools are repaired.

Air, gasoline or electric power tools, required skills and complete attention on the part of the user even when they are in good condition.  Don`t use power tools when they are defective in anyway.

Watch for problems like:

  • Broken or inoperative guards;
  • Insufficient or improper grounding due to damage on double insulated tools;
  • No ground wire (on plug) or cords of standard TOOLS;
  • The on/off switch is not in good working order;
  • Tool blade is cracked;
  • The wrong grinder wheel is being used;
  • The guard has been wedged back on a power saw.

3.4Use of Explosive/Powder Actuated Fastening Tools:

            There are number of tools utilizing an explosive charge in use throughout the construction industry to drive fastenings.  The manufacturers of these devices provide detailed instructions regarding their use and maintenance.  These instructions, along with the legislation specifically set out for their use, shall be closely adhered to; at all times.  The following general recommendations apply to all explosive/powder actuated tools.

  • Only proper trained and qualified operators are to use this type of tool.  The user shall possess proof of this training issued by the manufacturer, authorized dealer/distributor, or other competent source;
    • The tool must be CSA standard approved for “Explosive Actuated Fastening Tools”;
    • The tool should be loaded just prior to use with the correct load for the job anticipated.  Tools should never be loaded and left to sit or be moved to an alternate work site after being loaded;
    • The tool should never be pointed to anyone, whether loaded or unloaded.  Hands should be kept clear of the muzzle end at all times;
    • Explosive/powder actuated tools should always be stored in their proper lockable boxes;
    • Explosive/powder actuated tools must never be used in an explosive atmosphere;
    • When used, the tool must be held firmly and at right angles to the surface being driven into;
    • Eye protection must be worn by the operator.  Where there is a danger of spilling full face protection must be worn.  Hearing protection is also to be worn in confined areas;
    • To prevent free-flying studs, ensure that the material being driven into will not allow the stud to completely pass through it (i.e. glass block, hollow tile etc.);
    • Manufacturers’ recommendations should be consulted and followed whenever there is a doubt about the material being driven into, maintenance procedures, or load strength to used;
    • Always be aware of the other workers.  Where a hazard to other workers is created by this operation, signs and barricades identifying the hazard area are mandatory.

3.11Hand and Power Tools:

3.11.1 (A) Had tools shall be kept sharp and in good working condition.  Worn or broken tools shall be replaced. Notify superintendent immediately.


                        Voltage (V)                                                     Distance

Up to 125 000                                                                    3.5

125 001  to  250 000                                                            5

Over  250  000                                                                       8

Note:  Use extreme caution when working in proximity to radio transmission towers.

3.16 Rigging:

            Rigging tools like an easy operation that requires no particular skill or experience.  But, if you have an idea that just anybody can do it, you`re on the wrong track.  Too many men have lost fingers or hands or have suffered more serious injuries because they thought, “Anybody can do that”.

            Here are some do`s and don`ts to remember:

3.16.1 Name one member of the crew to act as a signalman, and instruct the equipment operator to recognize signals from that person only.  The signalman must be careful not to order a move until he has received the “all ready” signal from each member of the crew;

3.16.2 Each rigger must sure he`s in the clear before he gives an “all ready” to the signalman.  When you have positioned the sling or choker you`re using, release it, if possible, before you give the “all ready” signal;

3.16.3 If you must hold the sling o r choker in position, be sure your hand is clear of pinch points. In fact, your hand should be far enough away so there`s no possibility of a frayed wired catching your glove and jerking your hand into a pinch point.  (Of course, frayed cables should never be used);

3.16.4 Watch for the roll or swing of the load.  Since it`s almost impossible to position the hook exactly over the load center, there will almost always be a swing or roll.  Anticipate the direction of the swing or roll and work away from it;

3.16.5 Never put yourself between material, equipment or any stationary object and the load swing.  Also, stay away from stacked material that may be knocked over by a swinging load;

3.16.6 Never stand under the load, and keep away from under the boom as much as possible.  Chances are that nothing will break, but something might…;

3.16.7 Look over the place where the load is to be set.  Remove unnecessary blocks or other objects that might fly up if struck by the load;

3.16.8 When lowering or setting the load, be sure your feet and other parts of your body are out from under.  Set the load down easily and slowly so that if it falls on the blocking, it will be a slow shift that you can get away from;

  • Identify the designated signalman by the use of distinctive vests, armlets, etc.

3.23 Fire and use of Fire Extinguishers:

Good housekeeping is essential in the prevention of fires.  Fires can start anywhere and at any time.  This is why it is important to know which fire extinguisher to use and how to use it.

Always keep fire extinguishers visible and easy to get at.  Fire extinguishers have to be properly maintained to do the job.  Fire extinguishers should be charged and checked for missing or broken pins.  Where temperature is a factor, ensure that care is taken in selecting the right extinguisher.

Types of Fires:

3.23.1 Class A:  These fires consist of wood, paper, rags, rubbish and other ordinary combustible materials.

                                    (Recommended Extinguishers)

Water from a hose, pump type water can, or pressurized extinguisher, and code acid extinguishers.

Fighting the Fire:  Soak the fire completely – even the smoking embers.

3.23.2 Class B:  Flammable liquids, oil and grease.

                                    (Recommended extinguishers)

ABC Units, dry chemical, foam and carbon dioxide extinguishers.

Fighting the Fire:  Start at the base of the fire and use a swinging motion from left to right, always keeping the fire in front of you.

3.23.3 Class C:  Electrical equipment

                                    (Recommended Extinguishers)

Carbon dioxide and dry chemical (ABC units) extinguishers.

Fighting the Fire:  Use short burst on the fire.  When the electrical current is shut off on a Class C fire, it can become a Class A fire if the materials around the electrical fire are ignited.

3.30 Erecting Precast/Prestressed Concrete Safely:

Lifting Members:

  • Communication is key! The crane operator and one assigned signaler in the erection crew should use hand signals or two ways radio;
  • Be cautious during inclement, windy weather.  High winds can increase the load or cause side loading on the boom and reduce its capacity;
  • Before making a lift, review;
  • How to use the required rigging;
  • Crane load tables;
  • Premasters recommendations on how to lift the member and how to upright the member, if required;
  • Weight of members;
  • Clear the area around the member of obstructions and barricade the swing area of the crane and counterweight.

Setting, Connecting and Releasing Members:

  • Before beginning operations, address fall protection needs for all phases of construction;
  • Use ladders, personnel lifts, or scaffolding to gain access for making connections;
  • Before releasing a member from the crane, make sure it`s securely connected;
  • Do not use hands to reach under a member to adjust a shim or bearing pad;
  • Ensure stability of the structure during erection by installing temporary bracing, shoring, and guying.

Crane Safety Guidelines:

  • Inspect ground conditions and soil compaction in areas where cranes will be travelling or operating;
  • Fully extent outriggers; I outriggers cannot be fully extended, reduce crane lifting capacities to those shown on the chart for “on rubber”;
  • Use cribbing to spread outrigger loading.  Rule of thumb to determine the minimum square feet of blocking under each outrigger, divide the crane capacity (in tons) by five;
  • Level cranes within 1 degree to eliminate side loading on the bottom;
  • Ensure that the load does not strike the boom or outriggers and never allow a crane boom to hit or touch any structure;
  • Use an anti-two-blocking device to prevent contract between the load block and the boom tip;
  • Use a signaler when operating within a boom`s length of power lines.

3.31 Placing Concrete:

  • Using the truck chute to fill the form by backing up the truck or pulling it forward;
  • As close to its final location as possible the less you move it the better;
  • Starting in a corner, then working away from the corner;
  • Starting at the low end and working uphill, of on a slope;
  • Into (instead of away from) fresh concrete
  • Using square-mouth shovels or concrete rakes to move concrete; other tools cause segregation;
  • Have one and only one person directing the truck.

Be Safe:

  • In addition of other safety requirements, when placing concrete workers should wear;
  • Full length shirts and trousers;
  • Rubber boots and gloves;
  • Eye protection when exposed to concrete splatter.


Fresh Portland cement concrete can cause skin irritation and burns, Injury may result from wet clothing.  Wash skin promptly after contact.

3.32 Flagger Safety

     For visibility the flagger must:

  • Wear a red or orange vest during the day and reflectorized vest at night
  • Use red 18-inch square flags for sign paddles;
  • Make sure the flagger station is well lit at night;
  • Wear hard hats & CSA approved steel toe boots.

Flagger stations must be:

  • Located far enough ahead of the work zone to give drivers time to reduce their speed and workers time to evade out of control vehicles. (Flaggers must have a signaling device such as a radio or air horn);
  • Located on the pavements shoulder or in closed lanes, not in a traffic lane;
  • Manned by more than one flagger, if sight distance is inadequate;
  • Manned by a certified flagger.

Use STOP and SLOW paddles as follows:

  • TO STOP TRAFFIC – Face oncoming traffic and hold the STOP paddle in a vertical position at arm`s length.  For greater emphasis, raise your free arm, so your palm faces the traffic.  Give traffic enough time to stop; Don`t flash STOP;
  • When a driver is close;
  • FOR TRAFFIC TO PROCEED – Stand parallel to the traffic movement and, with the SLOW paddle in a vertical position, motion traffic ahead with your free arm;
  • TO SLOW TRAFFIC – To alert or slow oncoming traffic, face the traffic and hold the SLOW paddle in the vertical position at arm`s length.  For added emphasis, slowly raise and loser your free hand with your palm facing down;
  • WHEN DELAYING TRAFFIC – Alert nearby drivers of the approximate time of and reason for the delays.  Every reasonable effort should be made to prevent excessive delays.

3.37 Working near overhead powerlines:

The first step working safely around powerlines is to call the utility to determine all powerlines in the project area.

The danger of overhead powerlines is that there is no protection on the wire.  Electricity is looking for a path to ground, so if you contact an overhead wire or the equipment you`re operating will be its path to the ground;

Check with the local utility to identify voltages on any overhead lines and determines the required limits of approach;

If the voltage if unknown, no work is permitted within (7) seven meters of energized electrical equipment.  Once the safe distance has been determined, NO work can encroach on this distance.

Use caution when using tools around overhead lines, this includes but, not limited to Cranes, Backhoes, Trencher Machines, Backfill Machines, Berm-Machines, Aerial Lifts, Rough Terrain Forklifts, Ladders, Scaffolding, or long length of pipes.

If a large piece of machine/equipment such as; cranes, Trencher machines, Back-fill machines & Berm-machines runs the risk of encroaching on the Safe Zone, a designated spotter whose only job is to maintain the safe zone must be assigned.

The local utility may be able to install “line identification” This is a PVC Pipe not for protecting the lines, but to make them easier to be seen.

Lines may sometimes be temporarily moved or protected, contact the local utility for clarity and NEVER attempt to do this kind of work get the utility to do this work for you.

Excavations in the vicinity of power poles can be dangerous.  Soil near the base of a pole must not be disturbed without consulting with the local utility.

Spoil piles should not be located under power lines; this reduces the clearance and could create a hazard.

If power lines are contacted or torn down, stay clear at least 10 meters and call the Electrical utility in your area.  Call Emergency Services for assistance.

3.40 Working in the Heat:

Heat stress is the overall heat load on the body, including environmental heat and inner body heat production due to working hard.  Mild or moderate heat stress may be uncomfortable and may affect performance and safety, but it is not usually harmful to your health.  When heat stress is more extreme, the possible health effects include:

  • Heat rash tiny red spots on the skin, which cause a prickling sensation.  The spots are the result of inflammation caused when the sweat glands become plugged;
  • Heat exhaustion is caused by excessive loss of water.  Symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache, diarrhea and muscle cramps;
  • Heat stroke and hyperpyrexia (elevated body temperature) are the most serious types of heat illnesses.  Signs of heat stroke include body temperature often greater than 41 degrees C, and complete or partial loss of consciousness.  The signs of heat hyperpyrexia are similar except the skin remains moist.  Sweating is not a good symptom of heat stress as there are two types of heat stroke – “classical” where there is little or no sweating, and “exertional” where body temperature rises because of strenuous exercise or work and sweating is usually present;
  • If the worker is experienced on the job, their time in the hot environment must be limited to 50% of the shift on the first day, 60% of the shift on the second day and 80% of the shift on the third day.  On the fourth day a full shift can be worked.
  • If the worker is not experienced on the job, they should spend 20% of their time working in hot conditions on the first day and increase by 20% each subsequent day;

When and where applicable, reduction of physical demands of work tasks should be done through mechanical assistance such as hoists, carts, etc.;

Workers will be provided with water and be reminded to drink a cup approximately every 20 minutes;

Workers should take more frequent and longer breaks if possible; in shaded and cooler areas.

3.41 Fatigue and Safety in the Workplace:

Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion that comes from physical or mental exertion; it is a message to the body to rest.  It can be aggravated by the lack of sleep or an accumulated sleep deficit.  It can cause slower reaction time and can result in poor decisions, more mistakes, decreased performance, and dangerous lapses from micro sleeps and automatic behavior.  Fatigue has a significant influence on the Health and Safety both at work and at home.  When it comes to work and fatigue, research shows that the probability of a workplace incident rises and falls with alertness.  Research also shows that fatigue can impair in the same way as alcohol consumption.

Fatigue can be caused by long hours of work, long hours of physical or mental activity, inadequate rest, excessive stress at work or at home, and combinations of these factors.  Signs of fatigue will vary from worker to worker, typical physical signs and symptoms are:

  • Tiredness
  • Sleepiness, including falling asleep against the workers will (micro Sleeps)
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • An increased susceptibility to illness

Fatigued workers may have their ability to perform mental and physical;

Tasks impaired some of these impairments are:

  • Slowed reactions physical reaction speed and speed of thought
  • Failure to response to changes of the surroundings
  • Incorrect action either physical or mental
  • Flawed judgement and an inability to concentrate
  • Increases in memory errors, including forgetfulness
  • Decrease in vigilance
  • Increased tendency for risk-taking.

Listed below are just few ways for fatigue prevention

  • Discuss fatigue and make all workers aware of the dangers of being Fatigued at work.
  • Assess and control hazards and risk
  • Recognize individual and crew fatigue
  • Take short and frequent breaks
  • Be accommodating and supportive when dealing with the worker with Problem at home.

Two to three times a year Superintendents and foremen are to discuss fatigue at the weekly toolbox meeting and how it affects workers performance specially when working in a DANGER ZONE; ensure that all tasks are performed with a safety and healthy approach.  Get the Safety Manager involved if you have a case that requires professional medical help.

3.42 Fall Protection

In keeping with occupational Health and Safety Code Part 9 Commission Federal Contracting Est., requires all workers to use fall protection system at a permanent or temporary work area where worker may fall 3 meters or more, or if there is an unusual possibility of injury if a worker fell less than 3 meters.

Millennium Federal Contracting Superintendents, Foremen and workers will be provided fall protection training and instruction.  This training and instruction will be done again prior to the (3) three years expiration to stay current.

Superintendents are responsible to ensure that all new or transferred workers have the required and current fall protection training.  The Superintendent will notify the Safety Manager of anyone needing fall protection training; and the training can be registered for the earliest available course.

Superintendents are responsible to check sub-contractor workers for proof of fall protection training, failure to show a valid current fall protection training card will result in the worker not being allowed to work in the area where fall protection is required.

5.1 Foot Protection:

Safety footwear is designated to protect against foot hazards in the workplace.  Safety footwear protects against compression, puncture injuries, and impact.

Safety footwear is divided into three grades which are indicated by colored tags and symbols.

The tag color tells amount of resistance the toe will supply to different wights dropped from different heights.

The symbol indicates the strength of the sole. For example, a triangle means puncture-resistant sole able to withstand 135kg (300lbs) of pressure without being punctured by 5 cm (2inch) nail.  For more information, look at Alberta`s O.H. & S. Statute and Regulations of CSA Standard “Protective Footwear” Z195-M19881.

In construction, it is recommended that only the green triangle grade of footwear, which also gives ankle support, to be used.

Your choice of protective footwear should always over protect, not under protect.


  • Choose footwear according to job hazard and CSA Standards;
  • Lace up boot and tie laces securely; boots don`t protect if they a tripping hazard or fall off;
  • Use a protective boot dressing to help the boot last longer and provide greater water resistance (wet boots conduct current);
  • Choose a high cut boot to provide ankle support (less injuries).


  • wear defective safety footwear (i.e. exposed steel toe caps);
  • under protect your feet or modify safety footwear.

5.2 Head Protection:

Safety headwear is designed to protect the head from impact from falling object, bumps. Splashes from chemicals or harmful substances, and contact with energized objects and equipment.

In construction, the recommended type of protective headwear is the Class B Hard hat which has the required “dielectric strength”. There are many designs but they all must meet the CSA requirements for Class B industrial head protection.

Most head protection is made of two parts:

  • the shell (light and rigid to deflect blows)
  • the suspension (to absorb and distribute the energy of the blow)

Both parts of the headwear must be compatible and maintained according to manufacturer`s instruction.  If attachments are used with headwear, they must be designed specifically for use with the specific headwear used.  Bump caps are not considered a helmet.  In Alberta they can only be use; when the only hazard is where a worker might strike his/her head against a stationary object.

Inspection and Maintenance:

Proper care is required for headgear to perform efficiently.  The service life is affected by many factors including temperature, chemicals, sunlight and ultraviolet radiation (welding).  The usual maintenance for headgear is simply washing with a mild detergent and rinsing thoroughly.


  • Replace headgear that is pitted, holed, cracked or brittle;
  • Replace headgear that has been subjected to a blow even though damage cannot seen;
  • Remove from service any headgear if its serviceability is in doubt;
  • Replace headgear and components according to manufacturer`s instructions;
  • Consult O.H. & S. or your supplier for information on headgear.


  • Drill, remove peaks, and alter the shell or suspension in anyway;
  • Use solvents or paints on the shells (makes shells “break down”);
  • Put chin straps over the brims of Class B headgear;
  • Use any liner that contains metal or conductive materials;
  • Carry anything in the hard hat while wearing the hard hat.

5.3 Eye & Face Protection:

      The PPE is designed to protect the workers from such hazards as:

  • Flying objects and particles;
  • Molten metals;
  • Splashing liquids;
  • Ultraviolet, infrared and visible radiation (welding).

     This PPE has two types.  The first type, “basic eye protection”, includes:

  • Eyecup goggles;
  • Mono frame goggles and spectacles with or without side shields.

     The second type, “face protection”, include:

  • Metal mask face shields for radiant heat or hot and humid conditions;
  • Chemical and impact resistant (plastic) face shields;
  • Welder`s shields or helmets with specified cover;
  • Filter plates and lens.

Hardened glass prescription lens and sport glasses are not an acceptable substitute for proper, required industrial safety eye protection.

Comfort and fit are very important in the selection of safety eyewear.  Lens coating, venting or fittings may be needed to prevent fogging or to fit with regular prescription eyeglasses.

Contact lens should NOT be worn at the work-site. Contact lens may trap or absorb particles or gases causing eye irritation or blindness.  Hard contact lens may break into the eye when hit.

Basic eye protection should be worn with face shields.  Face shields alone often are not enough to fully protect the eyes from work hazards.  When eye and face protection are required, advice from the O. H. & S. office, Material Safety Sheet (MSDS) or your supplier will help in your process.


  • Ensure your eye protection fits properly (close to the face);
  • Clean safety glasses daily, more often if needed;
  • Store safety glasses in a safe, clean, dry place when not in use;
  • Replace pitted, scratched, bent and poorly fitted PPE (damaged face/eye protection interferes with vision and will not provide the protection it was designed to deliver).


  • Modify eye/face protection;
  • Use eye/face protection which does not have a CSA certification (CSA stamp for safety glasses is usually on the frame inside the temple near the hinges of the glasses).

Eye Protection for when you can`t carry on a conversation:

  • Welders & welder`s helper should also wear the prescribed equipment.  Anyone else working in the area should also wear eye protection where there is a chance they could be; Exposed to flash.

5.6 Hearing Protection:

Hearing protection is designed to reduce the level of sound energy reaching the inner ear.

  • The “rule of thumb” for hearing protection is; use hearing protection when you can`t carry on conversation at a normal volume of voice when you are (3) three feet apart.

Remember, this is only a rule of thumb.  Any sound over 80db requires hearing protection.  Hearing loss can be very gradual, usually happening over a number of years.

The most common types of hearing protection in the construction industry are earplugs and earmuffs.  If you choose to use the other types of hearing protection, ask your safety supplier or O.H. & S. office for further information. It is important to have different styles of hearing protection available.  Different styles allow a better chance of a good fit.  Each person`s head, ear shape and size is different.  One style may not fit every person in your crew.  If hearing PPE does not fit properly or is painful to use, the person will likely not use it.  If the hearing protection is not properly fitted, it will not supply the level of protection it was designed to deliver.

Most earplugs, if properly fitted, general reduce noise to the point where it is comfortable (takes the sharp edge of the noise). If your hearing protection does not take the sharp edge of the noise, or it workers have ringing, pain, headaches or discomfort in the ears, your operation requires the advice of and expert.  Workers should have their hearing tested at least every year, twice a year if they work on a high noise area.